A first-rate firm specialised in supplying large cruise companies, ferries and regular lines, merchant ships, navy vessels and military operations zones.
From the most important peninsular ports on Spain´s coast, we can reach every location on every continent.
perfectly tailored to every kind of vessel, in
Our resources enable us to be hugely mobile and responsive. We can reach every location and supply every class of frozen, refrigerated or dry goods..
C/ Oquendo, 23 – 4ª planta.
28006 Madrid
Tel. +34 91 436 10 70
Fax: +34 91 781 83 86
Polígono Industrial La Juaida
C/ Sierra de Baza, 49.
04240 Viator, Almería
Tel. +34 950 304 999
Fax: +34 950 305 196
see map
Polígono ZAL – Nave A.2.2
Carrer de l’Atlàntic, 132-136.
08040 Barcelona
Tel. +34 932 624 920
Fax: +34 932 623 005
see map
Polígono Valencia 2000
Avda. Comarques País Valenciá
C/ En proyecto, 63-67
46930 Quart de Poblet, Valencia
Tel. +34 961 525 780
Fax: +34 961 524 886
see map
© 2024 EIS Marítimo, Provisionistas de Buques / Ship Suppliers